Monday, May 25, 2009

Express Post @@

Very very quick post.

Today's an insanely busy day.

I had to finish submitting all the registrations, outstock all my coupons and Simpacks, and update the Simpack files.

I almost died doing that X_X All the numbers......One reason why I never got the hang of Accounts @_@

Anyway I'll be busy starting tomorrow onwards, but I will try my best to update consistently =) I don't know how but I got the shock of my life yesterday night @_@ My readership shot up from a miserable average of 7 to 10 uniques a day to an alarming (for me @_@) 97 unique visitors yesterday alone! Something my blog has never achieved @_@

What's more, most of my visitors are from the United States @____________@ 50.7 percent!!! Can you believe it?!? O_O Malaysian visitors only took 6.4 percent or something cannot remember @_@ I don't know how you all find my blog but thanks so much for making my day =D

Okay that's all for today will update again tomorrow @_@