Monday, August 10, 2009

Random Ramblings

I don't know if any of you are her die-hard fans, but everytime I see Hunny Madu on TV I cannot help but turn my face away and bury it in my mom's crochet sheets.

And I really cannot care less even if you say she has done nothing to me and that she looks prettier than me and that I am jealous of her and all that bullshit her face just makes me revolted. Everytime.

Because she looks so damn like an ex-classmate I don't like. Or should I say that ex-classmate looks like her, since Hunny Madu was born first =_=

Oh heck it's just unlucky that I don't know Hunny Madu personally I guess =O=

And now I see her face ten times a day!!! Like everytime before AND after commercials on TV she would appear! And and AND!!! They don't only LOOK alike! Even the way they TALK, MOVE, and wave their arms around looks the same!!!!!!!!!!!!


URGH! I just scrolled up to look at her again and the likeness just kills me T_______T I better post up something else soon so the picture gets moved to the next page asap.

And I'm going to be very annoying and not tell you who that ex-classmate is.


I know I have left my blog on hiatus for the longest time and I am so sorry about that I promise I will not look for excuses about being too busy because I DO find time after a hectic day to read a few pages of my novel and race Queenie on Pet Society so!

I am sorry =(

I am doing a 500-word assignment as I type this so please do not hate me already! T_T

And my roommate is playing Playfish games as we speak =_= GAH! Concentrate girl! TOT

*peeps at neighboring laptop*

*slaps self and returns to work*
*peeps again*


So far uni life has been good =) Only thing is, assignments are getting tougher and more challenging. But then again that's what higher education is all about =D

No don't get me wrong! By higher education I mean education at levels higher than Form6 @_@


That was written a decade ago =_=

I'm sorry la!!!!! TOT

ANYWAY!!! I am now back in Penang so anyone who wants to hang out or anything please give me a ring! =D And no if you don't have my number don't bother looking for it because I definitely won't go out with strangers ^_^

So now that I'm back home I am spending on virtually nothing XD Except when I go out with friends =_= which was just yesterday =__________= And we spent A LOT.

Next time I go to your house, Jes, we stay in and bake cookies or something T_T