Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I do NOT like this theme.
I HATE it to inny mini bits.
I have never, I repeat, NEVER, been a fan of horror stories. And unlikely EVER to be.
The last "horror" movie, or series, I watched is XXX Holic. And THAT to most people isn't even horror at all!
Oh and what I'm writing is inspired by that series by the way. The moment I heard this next theme I thought of the series, and I did say before that when it comes to writing, I act on my first instincts.
Call me a copycat if you want. I have absolutely no intention to delve deeper into this subject. I am already scaring the crap out of myself while drafting out this story-poem.
Please pray for my sake that you will see less of these horror-related themes in the future. Or I may just

The Bride in White


Today... I turn nineteen...
It should be a day to celebrate...
But I have been dreading this day every year...
Since the same day three years back.

I remember skipping home happily from school...
Carrying an armful of presents.
When I reached the crossroads...
I saw her.

A beautiful bride...
Tall and slender...
Dressed all in white...
Roses in her hands so tender.

She walked past in front of me...
A sight lovely to behold...
But in such a place... It's just odd.
The sight of her disturbed my thoughts.

A year later...
I walked home again...
When I reached the crossroads...
I froze on the spot.

The very same bride...
In the same gown so white...
This time I'm sure...
She is no ordinary person.

She walked ahead past my face...
Towards a church that is not there...
This time she gazed at me,
And I saw... Sinister eyes.

I was so scared,
I dared not sleep that night.
A year passed again.
This time, I brought a friend.

Today, I did not see her.
But she continued haunting my thoughts.
I stood alone at the crossroads,
Thinking... Why... Of all odds?

I went on home,
Thankful she left me alone.
But I still felt disturbed...
Remembering the last time we met.

She walked past my friend and I,
Still in her gown... Sinisterly divine...
I consulted my friend.
She said......

"What bride?"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My first ever Charity Dinner


I am being bugged by a certain someone [you know who you are =_=] to blog about a charity dinner organised by D'Home to raise funds to help those less fortunate people with mental disorders. It was quite a grand event and one ticket costs about RM100++ @___@

Leonard's mom is one of the committee members and he had an extra ticket which nobody else wanted, so I took the chance and went using a FREE ticket XDDDDD Lucky me~! XDDDDDDDD It wasn't TOTALLY free though @@ I can't just go there looking like a lion so I had a haircut which costed me RM33 X_X oh well. It WAS a hundred-dollar dinner X_X

Anyway, they (Leonard and his mom) picked me up at 4pm and off we went to Gurney Hotel in Penang where the thing was held. I thought we would be staying there to help out with the preparations and all, but I was made to stay in the car so that we don't have to find a parking spot while Leonard helped his mom carry some stuff into the hotel. And I was quite surprised he came out alone.

But I was even more shocked to hear that he would be driving after this.

And as if that's not enough, the fella has just about as much sense of direction as I did.

God bless us all =O=

So to cut a long story short, we went to the driver's grandma's place, dumped our stuff and went out for a little food after greeting the nice old lady ^^ then we came back, bathed, changed, and off we went, back to Gurney Hotel. We took three wrong turns, asked twice for directions, and wound up in a traffic jam =_= aah...

And we reached at 8pm =O=

Oh and we weren't sure where the entrance of the hotel is after we got down from the carpark, so we asked some waiter at a restaurant in the same block. That blur egg pointed us across the road and being two lost teenagers in a jacket and a dress, we were desperate enough to follow his stupid directions.

And we were pointed back to the same block by a kind Auntie after turning around in circles =_= Can you believe that that dumbass actually WORKS there???

I should have snapped a picture =o=

I heart them cars ^O^

Upon closer inspection......
We found......

You can really find ANYTHING at auctions these days! XD

After locating the hotel entrance [Finally! =o=] we went up the elevator with some other guests who looked quite posh [real suits man!!! O_O] and as we stepped out, we heard this super ghey welcome song sang by this group of school students.

And people, their singing ain't no pleasant surprise @____@ I was plain horrified O_O It just isn't right, for one thing, to see track bottoms and t-shirts and sneakers in a carpeted hall while everyone else is dressed in their best @______@ And their grammar was terrible X_X Apparently they're from Chinese school. Leonard and I couldn't help sniggering XD And the evil guy even suggested we go down the stairs and take the elevator up multiple times and see if they'll continue singing XDDDDDDD We didn't, of course X_X

Here's a sample X_X it's not really clear though. The singing, I mean @_@

The reception ^^

Mrs Tan ^o^

And her son XD

We had ample time to waste while waiting for the thing to start, so we camwhored around the hotel XDDD We were bored ok??? >O< Now that's @_@ the actual height difference between us X_X

Our lucky draw numbers ^o^ Sadly they're not lucky enough T_T

That's just a fraction of the meaningless pictures we took XDDDDD

Anyway, since Mrs Tan is a committee member, she won't be sitting with us. Instead, we got to sit at this table full of middle-aged men who looked almost like mafias O________________O I remember hissing in horror, "Are you serious?????" to Leonard when he pointed out our table @____@

This time, I did not dare snap a picture X_____________X

The ballroom was packed.

And as you can see, very dim ^^|||

And those poor students are still singing XD

Though we did notice a rather huge drop in the volume ROFL

Formal events aren't very entertaining seriously T_T When the thing FINALLY started we were both starving again X_X The first speech was sooooooooooooooong freaking long @_______________@

So, being typical teenagers XD we tucked right in after the first course arrived XDDD we only managed to take one picture because the other members of the table were waiting while we snapped this X______X It was rather embarrassing @_@

So the speakers droned on and one one after the other and then finally it's Mrs Tan's turn to give her speech ^^ and of course, being her good son, Leonard excused himself to take a video of his mom.

Now, if I had been there alone, I would have fainted from boredom =_= thank God for Leonard @_@

Anyway, I forgot how many courses we went through but I was feeling bloated after an hour or two, so we went out for a walk. I've forgotten how nice an ordinary sidewalk can look at night.

Although there were a few immigrants walking around @_@ so we headed back soon.

The auction started a little afterwards.

No pictures here because we were tucked in the corner and I was feeling too bloated to stand and roam around =_=

But we did hear this CHINESE song sang by a BRITISH O__________________O I'm not kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


She was so good [yes her pronunciation was perfect] that some rich-ass Datuk donated another RM10,000 just for her to sing again $_$ I wonder how much he tips a waiter....

And of course we have other performances ^^

Those poor green-clad students =_= do dress smarter next time you decide to perform at an event as large as this =o=

Then much later, there's a lucky draw. By then most of the guests have already left, so we thought we just MIGHT be lucky enough to win something XD


Even when they draw numbers twice as many times as the amount of prizes available, our numbers are, sadly, just not lucky enough T_T

And we ended the night with more camwhoring XD

And we reached home at 1am X______X

I died once I fell on my bed @_______@
Hehe~~~ XD