I cannot stand it!!! I'd walk in the streets, or eat at a food stall, or in a restaurant, or wait in the line, or walk into a shop, or WHATEVER, or even just sitting in my store doing nothing!! And I'd see someone walk by or sit with their panties exposed.
Not from under, mind you. Exposed at their hips or at their waist.
What the hell is wrong with these people???
Don't they know that something is peeking out from the top of their jeans? Don't they feel unusually airy and cold at those particular spots?? Don't they feel embarrassed???
Just imagine, sitting in a restaurant, waiting for your order perhaps, when you see a girl (or a guy) sitting directly opposite with his back facing you, and his dull military blue......thing peeking out from the top of his jeans.
How can you eat in peace then? That freaking thing's practically calling for attention no one wants to give O_O
I don't have to point out anything now do I? (Hint: Look at the bottom of the picture, above the blue patch)
Why girls? WHY???
This is even more obscene than the boys' when they are sitting! When exposing your cleaveage, expose the one at your chest, not at your buttocks!!
Either they don't know their skirts or jeans are pulled too low (to avoid exposure at the bottom perhaps?) or they know it and enjoy the attention they are getting.
I, for one will not be able to understand how guys would think they are any cooler by exposing their undies. Because as far as I know girls will definitely be disgusted by the sight of it.
It almost makes you look dirty.
And no! Don't give me the excuse that you don't know about it! It's only because you don't bother to check your reflection and you're too lazy to wear a belt.
Girls have all the more less reasons to not know, or care that their butt cleaveage is showing. No! They have absolutely NO reason to not know their skin is exposed! >o<>
There are other ways to show off your body without exposing your butt. In fact, exposing your booty is just crossing the line.
I shall stop abruptly here.
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