Friday, June 19, 2009


YES eat THAT suckers!!! XDXDXDXD SEE! I am not a hopeless bitch in life lo UM wants me!!! XDXD

Ok I shall stop here I rejoiced enough at Twitter already @_@

I started writing this post at 3pm and I am continuing at 5:23pm. OMG I just realised that I am so tired I spelled "continuing" wrongly =_= But I did the spellchecking thing so now corrected already ROFL =D

Back to Uni. Wah I am going back to school @_@ I've totally forgotten how it feels like @@ You know those days when we have maybe one week or two weeks' break from school? You'd be thinking of all the holiday bliss on Friday before all your plans and on the last day you'll be wishing you have more time off from school because you didn't do any of your holiday work XD

Then when you finally sit in your classroom again you'll be wondering why your handwriting looks so ugly because you hadn't held a pen all week. HAH! I'm right aren't I? XD

Wow I DO remember what it feels like to go back to school =_+

But this time it's different! It's not just a two-week break from school. It's SIX WHOLE MONTHS AND MORE worth of holidays!! O______O Time flies.

And my handwriting is not ugly because I use a pen everyday at my workplace.

And I am now brain dead because I have been sleeping badly these few weeks =_=

Plenty of things to do! I just read the UM entry requirements online and I think that's where all my brain energy went =_= I have to go for X-ray and health check-up, go to Bank Islam to pay up God-knows-what-junk, do some insurance thingie I will have my dad help me with and develop SIXTEEN passport-sized photos of myself O_O wtf SIXTEEN??? For what??? O_______O

Oh and Lina made it too!! We'll be studying in the same class! =D But a pity because we are assigned to different hostels T_T Which means we cannot be roommates T_T So is a friend who I met at my Japanese major interview. I am assigned to hostel 7, Lina hostel 8, and YingHui hostel 3.

Speaking of YingHui I am so ashamed of myself @_@ Since I went for the interview and came back to Penang I've been receiving messages from YingHui and I'd be wondering who this person is and I dare not ask who she is because there is a name there O_O So I opted to NOT reply instead.

This went on until 3pm today when I was talking to Lina on the phone.

YingHui sent me a message again asking what I got @_@

And I was wondering aloud to Lina who this girl is until it hit me that she was the one-day-friend I made the first day I stepped inside UM O___________O

Oh my God can you believe my forgetfulness?? O_______________O I think I've already forgotten half my primary school friends @_@ Or maybe all of them +_+

HAHA I remember her as the girl who complains about feet-ache for wearing half-inch slippers for the interview @_@ Half-inch!!! Obviously she's the tshirt-jeans-sneakers kind of girl who uses only cleansers on her face and doesn't use lip-balm (her lips were cracking and it really bugs me because I just cannot stand cracked lips) but she is a really nice girl and I really liked her =D

Heck, she didn't realise she is talking to a girl who wears three-inch heels to shopping malls and spend hundreds on skincare ROFL XD

Which reminds me. To my dear beloved friends. Stop saying I am rich because I buy expensive skincare and shampoo ok? Just because I spend more bucks than you on my face doesn't make me any richer than you =_= Do you know how much balance I have left in my bank? I slaved for 5 months in this shop and I earn an average of RM950 every month, and now that we've reached this part those of you with calculative brains unlike me will know that I.....


*grabs calculator*

Okay you lot will know that I should have roughly RM4750 in my bank account. Minus perhaps everyday meals and petrol I should have more or less...*grabs calculator again*...RM2750.

Just a rough figure everyone.

And no I do not have that amount in my bank account. I have way less than that. Enough said.

And by now you should be tired of reading about me boasting about how much money I have or you could also have skipped over all these chunky paragraphs wondering how long more I am going to type.

My point, my dear friends, is that I have to cut down on many many many other things I enjoy in order to buy my skincare products.

And most of you would be saying now that drugstore products are just as good as those high end face washes that charges extra because of it's label. So I shall retort by saying that had drugstore products worked for me I wouldn't have splurged in the first place.

I only have one face, peeps, and I want it to look good =_= Hence the endless search for effective moisturisers and scrubs disregarding the price tags.

Did you know that I have to cut back costs on entertainment? And shopping? Cat will be telling me about the new tops and jeans she bought with her mom at don't-know-where and I'd listen wishing I have more cash in my bank =_= She'd go for movies almost every week and I can only go when my Baby is around to take me.

SEE! I DO have to make sacrifices ok so stop saying I'm rich in that sarcastic tone lo! I think I am growing allergic to it because I'd feel a migraine coming whenever I hear it =_=

Okay I don't know how I can talk from UM to migraines so I shall stop abruptly here.

p.s: Wow O_O I wrote quite a long post! Yes it is pretty much pointless but considering the fact that I am brain dead these days this is a really huge achievement XD

p.s.s: I have a sudden desire to blog like a Dumb Blonde but I shall leave that for another post. Perhaps when I am complaining about Ah Bengs XD

p.s.s.s: Okay I'm done.


Chester Chin said...

wow, congratulations! getting into UM is a serious accomplishment, way to go!

Leonard said...

Congrats on going to UM. Lucky U ! :D

danchan said...

Congrats gal...hv a great time in UM!