Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I haven't been this excited about an offday for a long, LONG time T_T

Because I will be spending this ENTIRE day in Baby's company!!! YAY!!! =D

From 10am till 10pm! =D Hehe~

Okay I can hear some of you saying What's the big deal? I go out with my bf/gf all the time! Well, good for you then you're always with him you can hug and kiss and have all the FUN you want =_= My Baby and I just happen to have lives of our own, and we love each other without feeling the need to spend ALL our time together =D

So anyway we left for Gurney Plaza as soon as he reached my house =) I haven't been to Penang Island in the longest time so I was very happy when Baby agreed to take me all the way there =D

I'd prefer to go to Queensbay actually but Baby didn't really know the way @_@

Doesn't matter! XD More importantly my Baby was there holding my hand all the way XD

So anyway long boring story cut short. We went to Popular, bought Seventeen, went to MPH, bought the book Popular doesn't have (The Other Boleyn Girl. Seriously why doesn't Popular have this book it's like such a big thing on screen already =_=) Walked all over the place looking for an ATM machine (we got lost in the basements twice) Went for a snowy at 600cc (Baby got rather sick of it's level of sweetness but he still ate it anyway ^^) then bought some stuff at Watsons and went home.

I was wearing three-inch heels and by the time we found the ATM machine I was whining unbearably because it hurt so much @_@ Baby told me off for wearing high heels and commanded me never to wear them out again @___@

I made my innocent puppy-face and told him I'd still wear them out anyway ROFL HAHA he looked at me like I'm some kind of a retard XD

So we went home, watched some animes and went out for dinner at Manhattan Fish Market =D My first time there XD I know it's sad =_=

My Baked Fish with Herbs

Baby's Fish and Chips, or in this case, rice XD

And he sent me home after that T_T I started missing him immediately after he left ToT

I just realised, after a lovely day out with my Baby, that this is the first proper date we've had in months and months =( Always our parents would be standing in the way whenever we want to spend some quality time together =( Even now that exams and schools are over.

So now you tell me how can I NOT be overjoyed that I'd get a chance, even if it's just one, to spend an ENTIRE day with him?!? TOT

I'm currently reading Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghost, I mean Ghosh @_@ Needless to say it's the front cover's illustration which caught my attention at first but after reading the summary at the back I thought I'd give it a try =D So far so good XD

Will start on The Other Boleyn Girl after I finish Sea of Poppies =) Both are rather mature reads I think, which is good because it gives me more exposure, which means I can actually learn a lot more than the average romance books =_= Yes I am ditching "teenage" books @_@ They're starting to bore me! =O=

So ends this very boring post =_=

p.s: I just found out that ship captains in the olden days are tipped right into the ocean when they die at sea =D I always thought they'd be given a proper funeral when the shipmates reach the shores, but no! They're bodies are just thrown overboard XD

p.p.s: I cried upon reaching home because I have no idea when Baby and I can go out on a proper date again ='(

p.p.p.s: I love you Baby ^O^ *muacks*


You Know who i am ! said...

I'm happy we went out together 2. :D Miss u veli muchie darling :D Muacks

Anonymous said...

ahh...the meal u ordered was Baked Fish in Garden Herbs....Not Baked Fish with Herbs.

danchan said...

did u feel any 'electrical shock' when u guys held hands?...hehe...jangan marah eh...