I've been trying to learn how to do various editing through online tutorials, but failed miserably =_= I searched for websites giving specific instructions on how to smooth out skin and get rid of blemishes, but either their instructions are too hard to understand owing to all the Photoshop terms, or I am just plain stupid =___________=
And then *snap* the solution just came to me.
It was sooooooooooo easy I can't believe it took me such a long time to figure out =_=
But then again I'm a person who likes to take a big roundabout instead of the straight road so there @_@
Anyway I decided to photoshop a VERY unflattering photo of myself, just to mess around with the brushes, and I am surprised to see how easy it is once you get the hang of things!!! Really wan! I'm not lying! @_@
Okay so this is the before photo.

SHUT UP!!! I told you it's unflattering! =O=
This is a photo of me after Day 3 of Roadshow. See how friggin tired I was? Even my eyebags decided to resurface after I thought I taught them a lesson =_=
Anyway I saw this awesome video on Youtube teaching people how easy it is to smoothen out the skin and it's really good! I always read on those stupid websites instructions telling us to make a new layer or duplicate a layer whatever nonsense and I'd be so blur after reading just one sentense =.= Really wor! If you really want to teach people teach everything la a lot of people visit that specific page for the first time hor!
And they had the nerve to label their posts Photoshop Tutorials for Beginners.
My ass.
Anyway for this photo my main goal was to clear up my skin. You can see in the above photo that I have skin discolourations and blemishes and a whole load of blackheads so I attempted to get rid of them all.
And the end result...
Can you see the difference?!?!?! I used the Spot Healing Brush Tool to remove as many bumps and blackheads as I can and did exactly what IceflowStudio said! Okay maybe not exactly what he says @_@ I did some adjustments to the radius to better suit my picture =D I finally got the hang of it! YAY!!! XDXD
Oh and while I was at it I made my jaw just a tad smaller too =)
It's not perfect obviously but heck I can get better can't I? >D
Wait let me put the two pictures one on top of the other so you can see properly.
A little too small maybe @_@
But anyhow you can still see some difference right??? =D
I will start photoshoping my pictures from now on! (I might wanna learn to apply make-up too @_@)
apaniiii? the spot healing brush tool thingy who also know how to use ler. =o=||
pppfftt..... lol. ur photoshop photo looks a tad too fake. serious.but wem...misleading title is a no no.
yup it works...the complexion is clearer...
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