Sunday, July 12, 2009

Random thought

The week after orrientation was damn hectic! Like, okay fine I got more rest then I did compared to orrientation week but really the action just doesn't seem to stop @_@ Everyday I'd be out of campus either with Dad or with friends, and we'd spend the day (after classes) doing something, doesn't matter what @_@

Anyway, today I'm gonna talk about a very out-dated topic, which is......

The death of Michael Jackson.

I sincerely think he looks better black T_T

Okay here's the deal. I am not a frantic fan of his, but I think it is rather absurd that while he was still alive nobody gave a shit about him, but in his death the whole world mourned like the King's son just passed away =_=

Seriously, I feel pity for him that only in his death did he earn the attention which he had been working for all his life.

Of course I am not saying he doesn't deserve any. I personally know some people who are his hardcore fans and needless to say they were torn apart by his sudden death =(

It is utter sadness that he will no longer be around to entertain.

God bless his determined soul.


Leonard said...

lol. i like the way u end this post with God bless his determined soul. :D Yeah... as ah boo said...he got his last "OOOOWWWW" b4 clutching his chest and dropping dead. Lol