Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Introduction + Frustration

I think I should start a whole new blog with an intro >o< I go by the name Yumimi here and also every other account I have online ^_^ Don't ask me my real name unless you're sure you know me or vice versa. I made this new blog and deleted the old one because I know that the old one's not going to be updated anyway =o=

I'll be using this as a chance to hone my writing skills so that I may be able to achieve my dreams of becoming a freelance writer and novelist ^O^ [one day] @_@ hey I'm a healthy young girl and I'm allowed to dream okay??? T______T


Okay I'm not actually feeling all that bubbly >.<

I missed ONE MARK.

Because of that ONE MARK,

I missed my Band 5 in MUET.

Strange how ONE MARK makes all the difference, isn't it?

And strange how ONE MARK can change my mood throughout the day.

Strange how ONE MARK can make a STUDENT sulk throughout the day =o=

I'll be posting some mini stories up soon, if only I could just drag myself to the computer to do so =O=



Carrie McGorgeous said...

Hey there gal...

Don't let that 1 mark bother. It may feel as if it's the end of the world at this moment..but i promise you, years back you'll look back and laugh about it.

Hey you survived and it was probably for this 1 mark that pushed you to forge ahead and become heaps better.

I trust you'll be a good writer someday.So hang in there.

God bless :)

Yumimi said...

Hi Carrie,

Thanks for your encouragement ^^ I was raving about it the whole day, but I feel much better now.

And when I really sat down to think about it, I don't need to spend another RM60 just to prove that I can get that 1 mark. I've already proven that I am in the Band 5 category in my school examinations.

Thanks for leaving a comment though ^^ feels nice to know that there are people who cared ^o^

God bless you too ^O^